Monday, April 26, 2010

Group Presentations Wed April 20th

A little reflection on my presentation experience and then thoughts on others. Well, I wasn't really prepared to present my paper. I suppose looking back at all the creative things people did I could have hired a person to read the monologue with me in order to make it more engaging. Having no plan however, I dug myself into a little grade. I'm comfortable speaking in front of people to be sure, but presenting material I wrote is a whole other story. (Which is probably why I have to imagine no one reads this blog in order to keep myself sane). I knew that Dr. Sexson would probably ask me to read a snippet of my story, but I hoped I wouldn't have to read all of it. But as is the case most of the time things did not turn out the way I wanted. I read my whole story. It was hard to share because I was extremely proud of my work and worried what other people may think. That is to say, I am not my biggest critic, the fear of other critics is. On the bright side everyone seemed to enjoy it and I didn't die of wounded pride. Other notables include Bri Barber's presentation where she performed a rap. Now, I feel fairly comfortable speaking in front of people but performing a rap, by oneself for that matter, is totally different. I applaud her for going all out and fully committing herself to her performance, I think everyone would agree it was an enjoyable experience.

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